Over my six years in Malawi, I have had the privilege to see quite a few snakes but I only saw one puff adder. It is a snake that scares me as it is about the only one who will not try to slither away when it hears people coming. As it relies heavily on camouflage, it just stays put. And if you happen to put your foot too close, then serious trouble start. The venom is Cytotoxic, which means that it distroys tissue cells.
I took this shot in Kasungu National Park. The snake was hiding in low stone wall next to the disused swimming pool.
I approached carefully and took the picture with my 70-300mm lens, handholding my camera.
Date: 25/11/2006
Location: Lifupa Lodge, Kasungu National Park, Malawi
Photographer: Arnaud Germain