I took this picture at Kuti Game Ranch, near Salima, Malawi. I was with Mick Royle, THE snake expert in Lilongwe. We had been looking for snakes all week-end on foot without success but Mick wanted to release this Mozambique Spitting Cobra.
I prepared my 300mm lens, which I handheld, I laid on the floor and Mick released the snake. To keep him interested, Mick was waiving a piece of cloth at the end of his snake stick to keep the Cobra interested and me safe.
Over the years I caught a few young spitting cobras as there was at least one family of these snakes living on the school compound. They are incredibly aggressive when they feel threatened and can spit large amounts of venom with good accuracy. I always kept science goggles, a bucket with a lid and a grabber in my classroom in case I ran into one of these snakes. And if I caught one, I called Mick to come and release it somewhere far away from civilisation
Date: 20/02/2005
Location: Kuti Game Ranch, near Salima, Malawi
Photographer: Arnaud Germain