From this angle, the pressure the park is under is very clear. Lake Nakuru is small park by African standards, at only 150 km2. It is fenced all around but it is also surrounded by settlements. On this picture, Lanet is visible. The fact that the park is surrounded by people and the fact that park hosts a healthy population of rhinos is a recipe for poaching. The communities around the park have little and the temptation to go into the park to kill animals for meat or for making big money with the rhino horn is real.
Nikon D700, Nikon 70-300mm VR lens at 70mm, F10, 1/2000s, ISO 2500, handheld.
Date: 18/05/2013
Location: Eastern Fence of lake Nakuru National Park near Lanet Gate, Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya.
Photographer: Arnaud Germain